Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"A call from coach Dungy"

Some moments you simply do not forget in life. Whether it's your prom night, your college graduation, the first time your kid walked or the day the towers fell, these instants of time are stuck in your mind for eternity.

I experienced one of these moments, I'm pretty sure, Monday night. I was sitting at the sports desk in Jackson, passing the time on a very slow-moving night in the world of sports, when the phone rang.

I picked it up, "Sports desk, this is Jake."

"Um, yeah, is Chip Mundy there," the familiar voice on the other end replied.

It took me a second to register the voice, but then - as I was in the midst of meekly replying, "Yeah, just one minute" - it hit me: I was talking to Tony Dungy, as in the Super Bowl-winning coach of the Indianapolis Colts.

Our "conversation" lasted a mere 10 seconds before I transferred him to Chip - who grew up with Dungy in Jackson - but, still, I had talked to Tony Dungy. As I aimlessly went about my duties the rest of the night, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

Hopefully in the future I'll talk to and interview high-profile figures like Dungy on a daily basis. But right now, as a young sports journalist who hasn't covered anything bigger than D-3 basketball, it was one of those moments that I'll never forget no matter where the rest of my life takes me.

1 comment:

Sami Ghazi said...

Wow, that's pretty amazing. I guess it seems silly to be awestruck by a 10 second conversation, but I would have been as well.